I know it's coming up in a couple of days, it's too bad you are soo far away, I could have given you a hug. I hope you are doing well in school.
Today I went to a birthday party of Pastor Bernie! He turned 75! I got a call from Irys to go, and I was debating if I should go or not. Since I work 7 days, Sunday nights are usually my time off for a little peace of mind.
Bernie looked great for a 75 year old. We did a bunch of hymns at the church and heard a bit of his testimony on how he met his wife and what he's being doing. He is a great guy and I wish I could get to know him a bit better.
It was fun hanging out with the Bedard's, and really nice to see Venysa, they all seem to be doing great.
I got a chance to hang out with Alix as well for a few hours then I had to come back home to prepare a message for the youth on Sunday. The youth group has been going well, this Friday we went to see a movie, "Stranger than Fiction".

I met with my lawyer on Thursday about landed immigrant status and stuff like that. I got my results from the International English Language Testing (IELTS) though I thought I could have done better the lawyer said it was good enough. I was hopeful thinking that maybe this January I could start on Landed immigration, but my lawyer advised against it saying that it would be wise to start on May. Reason being is that by then I would have completed one year of work experience. The process for landed immigrant takes 18 months, thank you for those who are concerned and praying about this.
During this time as I wait for this and do my job here, I'm reminded of the song that goes "You are my strong tower Shelter over me Beautiful and mightyEverlasting King You are my strong tower Fortress when I'm weak Your name is true and holy And Your face is all I seek"
I pray fervently that I will seek Him all my days.
Here's a good quote
"You have to start tithing when you have little if you are going to tithe when you have much."
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